Before I begin our daylily blog, want to let ya know that my cousin, Peg, has a blogspot. She makes gorgeous cards and I would invite you to visit her blogspot: Her cards are sooooo cute!
Now on to daylilies. Today was very HOT, windy and dry here at Oakville Farm. We will set up the sprinklers around dusk and let the daylilies get a bit of water. It is now overcast and I hear rumbles of thunder in the distance, but nothing close. The local radar shows rain north of us in Virginia, hopefully some will come South!!
Have no new bloomers to show, but have continual bloomers. Still gorgeous...
Bit of Jam
large bloom, pastel pink with cream blend
Siloam Special
short height (20"), gold self
Bright Sunset
large bloom, fragrant, dusty burnt orange
This is all for now. Have a good evening and until next time, Happy Gardening.
1 comment:
Hey Cousin.. thanks for the blurb about my blog reached my 2000 hits today Yippee!! thanks for sending stuff to AC she loves it. I love your daylilies and will have to get some info for next season I have a perfect place for them. later Peg
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