To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves. Mohandas K. Gandhi
Will today bring time for you to get outside and enjoy? If just to look out the window, open the door, sit on the porch, hope you can make time to take it all in.
Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day here at Oakville Farm. Low humidity, slight breeze, light cloud cover, just a perfect day. Meteorolgists are saying that by Monday of next week, "Summer" will appear. Yes, it is supposed to reach 90 + degrees for four days. OH MY .... Check us out at for up to the minute weather here at the Farm.
What daylilies are your favorites(s)? Today, right now, well I do not have a favorite. So hard to choose. Yellow? Pink? Red? Low growing? Thick foliage? Just so much beauty when it comes to daylilies.

What about the daylily Happy Returns? This short light yellow daylily is an extra early bloomer, blooming currently. It grows about 2' tall, with a bloom of 3". It is currently on "Special" for $4.00 per double fan. Pick one up today, why don't you?
Our Farm officially Opens on May 27. Our address is 1122 Wise Five Forks Rd, Macon, NC, and website is www. Come on by for a personal visit ... walk among the daylilies, check out the goats, say Hello. Would love to meet with you and talk about daylilies. Or visit us on the web to view our daylilies.
Hope everyone has a good day. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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