Daylilies make me smile, you? Mother Nature put a tenth of inch of rain on us last night. What a treat! And as I look out the window
Daylily Brocaded Gown is a pretty lemon yellow flower with a green throat. The ruffled edges with the textured tepals give this specimen an interesting visual presentation. Brocaded Gown presents a large, over 6", bloom. It begins blooming in early season and is now reblooming. Bloom is slightly above the green foliage. And nice color contrast between the two. Here at Oakville Farm we offer Brocaded Gown for a mere $5.00 per double fan.
What is your favorite color in daylily blossoms? Like the multi-colored? Self? Each has their own drawing point, their own attraction.
Hope you have a good day. Take time to walk about outdoors ... if just for a moment. And until next time, Happy Gardening.
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