I scrape my fingernails clean,
hunt through old catalogues for new seed,
oil work boots and shears.
This garden is no metaphor --
more a task that swallows you into itself,
earth using, as always, everything it can."
- Jan Hirshfield
Hello All ... And did you spend time outdoors yesterday? During travels, saw many folks putting their yards to rest for this 2011 year....mulching and mowing. And oh the things that we do with leaves ... burn, pile, blow,
Leaves make a good mulch around daylilies. Here at Oakville Farm, daylilies are grown in rows. And leaves are placed in between the rows, making a smoother walkway. Then in the spring, when rows are disced, leaves are churned into the ground enriching the soil. Things in nature have a place and purpose, leaves included. :)
Oooops a memory...as a child in school, did you make a leaf collection? I remember classmates making bug collections and rock collections. My favorite being the leaf collection. Autumn leaves. Yes, dissecting leaves, labeling leaves, identifying leaves. And by the end of the "school project", leaves were brown, crunchy and some had disintegrated, leaving nothing for that label. Oh my!!!!
Hope you are taking time to plan for your next year's flower garden updates and changes. Think ... Daylilies. They are a great perennial. Daylilies need 6-8 hours of sunshine daily. During the start-up, daylilies need about an inch of rain/water per week to become established, then thereafter, daylilies are drought tolerant. They can withstand most any water condition. Remember that our Oakville Farm website will be up and running in the near future. So make your daylily list and we will be seeing you soon.
Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.
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