In continuation from yesterday's blog, Mulch, for the winter garden. We live in Zone 7, along the Virginia/North Carolina border. For us, some winters are mild and some winters are harsh. So it is best practice to mulch.

What is mulch? It is a protective cover placed over soil and around plants to aid in moisture retention, weed control, limit erosion, protect roots and/or provide nutrients. And it comes in great variety.
Organic Mulch ....
+ grass clippings
+ hay
+ straw

+ leaves
+ peat moss
+ newspaper
+ sawdust
+ pine bark nuggets
+ shredded pine bark
+ pine straw
When using organic mulch, one needs to check the plant/area needs. Such as, pH requirements or decomposition rate.

Rubber Mulch ...
mulch made from rubber tires
Plastic Mulch ...
lay plastic over soil/plants, slit a hole in the

Rock Mulch ...
used around/throughout cacti and herb gardens.

Mulching is a good idea and may require more thorough research to assure that the proper mulch is used for your area and your specific garden need. So have fun investigating. Mulch is available free or for a minimal fee from sawmills, lumber yards, landfills. You can make your own with a chipper/shredder, composting from items that you have handy. It comes in different sizes, shapes, textures, colors and costs. And it will certainly enhance your garden/yard area ... mulching, something that both you and your plants will enjoy!
Hope you have a good day. See ya back tomorrow for more winter gardening hints. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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