Sitting outdoors in a rocker, on a porch swing or in a lounge chair on a sunlite, breezy afternoon with a book by your favorite author, with a cold glass of sweetened ice tea .... well what better way is there to spend a few hours? Both my sister and sister-in-law love to read. One with her books on a Kindle other with her books in paper form. :)
Or do you have a stack of seed/plant catalogs at your feet, perusing each with intrigue and ideas? The catalogs should be filling your mailbox on a weekly basis. Have previously mentioned several publications that I like. I picked up a Mother Earth News magazine last week at Tractor Supply, a fav here. Numerous others, hope you will pick one today and enjoy.

Be sure and keep your daylily list handy. Daylilies are a great perennial that require minimal care, are super hardy and come a large variety of colors.
Well, looks like time for posters. Have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

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