HEMEROCALLIS...what does it mean? It is the scientific name for daylily. The word comes from the Greek meaning hemera day + kallos beauty. Meaning that each bloom opens for a day. And oh are they beautiful. Most blooms open during the day (diurnal), some open at late evening (nocturnal) and continue to bloom during the next day; also called extended. Well, just some info for you to ponder.
Now on to bloomers....
late bloomer, 5" bloom, orange
All for now. Glad to have you at our Oakville Farm blogspot. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Hi there just checked out your blog and WOW those daylilies are beautiful!! I never knew there were so many different kinds. I just may have to get the garden ready for some daylilies next year.Check out my blog I posted you over there. Peg
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