I attempted to add daylily photos last night as I was blogging, but internet went down. It is back up and running for now, so here are photos of new daylily blooms from yesterday...
Big Kiss
large bloom, fragrant, double, light peach color
The term "double" refers to the bloom having an additional set of segments, one inside the other.
Coral Dawn
large bloom, rebloomer, coral pink
Holly Hill Strutter
bloom size over 7", lavendar rose blend
Marse Connell
For this daylily, I want to add our findings from here at Oakville Farm. Marse Connell is a tall growing specimen. It is deep red and gold in coloring. It looks velvety. A beautiful background daylily for a garden.
El Desperado
5" bloom, mustard yellow with purple eyezone
Pink Super Spider
10" bloom, crispate, rose/pink/cream
The term "crispate" refers to an unusual bloom form. This is a pinched crispate form. The petals are pinched/creased. Very pretty bloom.
I am currently looking out the window and looks like the rain has ended. So, I will also end here and go out to see what new daylilies are blooming.
Visit our website: http://www.oakvillefarm.com/ for all of our daylilies and prices. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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