Monday, July 12, 2010
Phew ...
Glad to hear that Jean received the Oakville Farm daylily order. Thanks.
All for now. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Good Morning ...
Pulled weeds, set out soaker hoses, planted new daylilies and even divided and moved one daylily. I have one daylily that is just not growing well. And I just can't decide why it does not like it here. So, I dug it up, trimmed it back, divided, moved to a new area in which I had worked up the soil/added nutrients and am hoping for the best. A friend had just told me that she was going to get rid of some daylilies that were not performing well, so I guess we all do it, huh? Are there any daylilies that do not do well in your garden/yard?
When you are looking for new cultivars for your yard, please check out our website for the replacement plant or for the new one that will set off your yard with good vibrant color. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Daylilies, oh my ...
Hope you had a good week. Here at Oakville Farm, we have been watering the daylilies. Several blog writings ago, I said that I had to purchase more soaker hoses. I did and have been using them. The daylilies are certainly showing their appreciation, by sending up new scapes/more blooms. This is the first time ever using soaker hoses and I really like them. I would suggest them for any type of gardening or yard project. Found this about soaker hoses:
Hemerocallis Royal Occasion
This dark violet daylily with a darker eyezone and green throat stands about 2 1/2 feet tall. The 4" bloom is quite showy. It does not have the "faded" effect as do some very dark daylilies. Some very dark daylilies need to be in an area that has diffused light and/or about 6 hours of sunlight. At Oakville Farm this daylily sells for $7.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Streaker
This creamy pink daylily with red eyezone and green throat is "kinda cute" in the yard. With the three distinct colorings, it is pleasant to the eye. It stands about 2 1/2 feet tall, has about a 5" bloom and is a rebloomer. That reblooming thing is really good, ya know! We sell it for $5.00 per fan.
Please visit the website to find the daylily that will fit well in your yard. There are so many great ones to choose from. Get out in the daylilies, see what area needs to be spruced up then check us out to find the right daylily. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesday all ready ....
Had Master Gardener meeting today. Made plans for classroom instruction for next school year at several local elementary schools. I think both the students and the MG's will enjoy the lessons!
Someone asked me about dividing daylilies, ie when to divide, how to divide, why to divide. I found this web page to be useful in viewing step by step instructions on how to divide daylilies. Please visit it and let us know what you think ....
Daylilies for today ....
Hemerocallis Too Marvelous
This 2 foot tall scape has a 5" bloom. It is melon pink with a green throat. We sell it for $6.00.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday America,
the United States of America
Happy 4th of July.....
Hope everyone is having a safe holiday weekend.
Oakville Farm was represented in the local 4th of July parade in Wise, NC, yesterday. I decorated the Gator then drove the parade route which was about a mile long.
It was so good to see spectators displaying American flags, wearing patriotic attire and smiling and waving all the way. That was such a fun parade. Folks watching and helping to celebrate our nation's birthday. Food, live music, crafts and games for kids were available after the parade. Family and friends came "home" to share in the festivities. I saw several folks who I had not seen since last year :) Hope I can say for everyone who attended the activities in the Wise Baptist Church parking area, that fun and fellowship was shared by one and all.
Had someone at the parade ask which of the daylilies was my favorite. (A very popular question, you know). Could not answer which ONE was fave! I had several blooms in the back of the Gator, ie Big Kiss, Olympic Gold, Hyperion, El Desperado, so we discussed those. And guess I decided that El Desperado was the fave for yesterday. Today though, well ..... not sure. How 'bout ......
Hemerocallis Hopper Connell
This pretty yellow green daylily with a green throat is a great rebloomer. It stands almost 3' tall and rises above the foliage. We sell this daylily for $4.00 per fan.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Good Morning
The weather has been very very hot and dry here at Oakville Farm. Last evening, we set out soaker hoses and let them do their jobs for a while. I waited about an hour and a half before checking on one hose. AND oh my goodness. The hose had sprung a leak and water was spraying EVERYWHERE. So, took that hose up, threw it away and will purchase a new one this morning. Will set up all three hoses later, watch them more closely and let you know how it worked out!!!
Daylily bloomers for today ......
Hemerocallis Peggy Jeffcoat
This late blooming daylily is very pretty. It is about 2 feet tall and has a large double bloom. Being a rebloomer this very light, soft-colored bloom will give you beauty throughout the blooming season. We sell this daylily for $12.00.
Hemerocallis Trahlyta
Yes, I really do like this daylily. It is unique in its color. Almost 3 feet tall with a large 6" bloom which makes it stand above others. It is a rebloomer, showing color all season long. It is described as being grayed violet. And the striking darker purple eyezone and green throat, well, it is just beautiful. It sells for $8.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Jungle Beauty
This daylily has a 2 1/2' tall scape and a 6" bloom. It is a real show stopper in the garden. Your eye is attracted to it for its rich full bodied color: black red color with a yellow green throat. It sells for $6.00 per fan.
Hopefully you enjoyed these daylilies and will find some at that will fit perfectly in your yard. Have a great day and Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Weekend ...
So glad to have a 4-H group tour our farm yesterday. Hope they will take their newly acquired daylilies, plant them, water them and enjoy them for a long time to come. And nice to meet Brice and Louise. The container plantings you talked about sounded like a good way to enjoy daylilies. We hope to have you visit us again.
And which daylilies shall we look at today? Hmmmmm.....
Want to reemphasize the Stella de Oro daylily. It is an extra early blooming daylily. It began blooming here the second week of May. It finished blooming its first set of scapes and has sent up second set of scapes and blooms are beginning to open. A "rebloomer" as it is called. This reblooming will continue until frost. A short growing plant, about 12-18" tall. The blooms stay close to foliage level. You get the full green foliage and small golden blooms dotted throughout. Very nice daylily and so reasonably priced.
Check us out to see our selection of daylilies, good prices and ease of ordering.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Friday, June 25, 2010
As I was perusing the daylilies this morning, a very short lived, rain shower drizzled down. The dogs and I quickly retreated to a corkscrew willow tree for cover. It only lasted for a few minutes. We were quickly out from under the tree, examining newly opened daylily cultivars.
Hemerocallis Tuscawilla Tigress
This large midseason blooming daylily presents a bloom size of over 7". It is bright orange and is a rebloomer. Tuscawilla Tigress sells for $9.00 per fan. It is nice daylily surprise to have open up in your garden in midseason.
This dark purple daylily presents about 2 1/2' tall, a 5" bloom and is a rebloomer. It blooms in midseason. We sell this daylily for $10.00 per fan. Would this look good in your garden/yard? We found that it is a good accent next to a yellow daylily. Although Tuxedo has a green throat, a yellow daylily near it, pulls the green throat up and makes it pop. Does look very good in a combination with lighter colored daylilies.
Hope you have a great day. Check with us often, as new daylilies are added for purchase, Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hemerocallis Moonlight Orchid
This pretty, delicate looking daylily is a blue lavender and white lavender bicolor daylily with a green throat. It is a rebloomer, almost 3 feet tall with a bloom width of about 6 inches. If grown beside other daylilies, it would compliment a yellow daylily very well. This daylily sells for $10.00 at Oakville Farm.
This pretty gold self daylily is a real treat to see each day. It blooms early in the season, has a 6 inch bloom and is a rebloomer. It will continue to show bright gold color all season long. And it is reasonably priced at $4.00 per fan.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
More "beautiful bloomers" ....
Hemerocallis Double Reward
This pretty yellow daylily was really shining in the garden yesterday morning. It stands about 3' tall, has a 6" bloom and is a double yellow self. This sells for $7.00 here at Oakville Farm.
Hemerocallis Ice Carnival
This near white with green throat daylily is a midseason bloomer. It stands about 2 1/2' tall, has a 6" bloom and is a rebloomer. It sells for $7.00 per fan.
Well this is all for now. Hope you had a great day. And until next time, Happy Gardening.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It is H O T today
Our daylilies are continuing to show such beauty. Amidst this almost unbearable heat. Thus far it is 92 degrees with the heat index showing 108 degrees. YIKES, now that is hot. The humidity is fairly low today, which does not make this an oppressive day. If outside, we all have to mindful of the heat by taking more breaks, drinking much water, getting in the shade when possible.
Want to say nice meeting Laurel, Anita and Levi. Look forward to seeing you this Saturday. And glad that Linda and Glenda came by today and hope to see you again soon.
What daylilies shall we see today? Hmmmmm, how about,
Hemerocallis American Bicentennial
This daylily is about 2 1/2' tall, has a 6" bloom, is a light rose with a light chartreuse throat. We sell this daylily for $4.00.
Hemerocallis Barbary Corsair
This is a short daylily with a small bloom. It is a rebloomer and is violet plum purple with a lime throat. The foliage has small leaves. Scapes are thin/small as well. We sell this daylily for $5.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Chicago Apache
This daylily presents a 2 1/2' tall daylily with a 5" bloom. It is scarlet red with a green throat. It has just begun blooming here at Oakville Farm. We sell this daylily for $5.00 per fan.
Hope these three "beautiful bloomers" give you an idea of how to incorporate them into your landscape and that you will make your purchase with us. Check us out: for that ideal daylily for you. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hope you have been checking out our website: We have added a few new cultivars. And prices are great! :)
New cultivars now available:
Hemerocallis Better Than Ever
This showy daylily presents about 2 1/2' tall, 6" bloom and is a rebloomer. It is a coral red blend with a gold edge and green throat. We sell this daylily for $8.00
Hemerocallis Designer Rhythm
This daylily is about 2 1/2' tall and has a 6" bloom. It is a light mauve blend with a lavender eyezone and green yellow throat. We sell this fine plant for $10.00.
Hemerocallis Lavender Frost
This has such a beautiful bloom this season. It stands out above many others. In fact, one of our customers was finished with their daylily purchase, saw this bloom from across the lot, walked toward it and well .... an additional purchase was made, if you know what I mean. This has a 6" bloom, is a rebloomer and is a lavender purple self with a green throat. We sell it for $4.00.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Skies are overcast this morning, which makes for a good color on daylilies. I like to take photos of daylilies, and at many times of day, at different angles from the sun, during overcast/gray skies, bright sunny days. Each various time makes for a unique view of daylilies. I so do love Mother Nature, hope you find beauty in her as well.
Hemerocallis Druid's Chant
This showy daylily presents 2' tall, large bloom ( about 6.5"), is a rebloomer, is fragrant and is deep lavender with purple eyezone and green throat. Very nice. We sell this for $16.00.
Hemerocallis Open Hearth
About 2 1/2' tall, 9" bloom, red cooper bitone with halo and green throat. Our scapes (stems) stand over 3' tall this year. So the bloom is standing out above other daylilies. This daylily is considered a spatulate. Spatulate makes reference to the fact that the tepals (flower segments) are wider at the ends.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Melting Monday ....
When outside walking through daylilies today, had bottled water close at hand and a 2 quart container with ice (melting very quickly) in the wagon just in case more was needed. There's nothing better than cool, not cold water on such a hot day as this.
So many daylilies are blooming today. Our Going Grape Now daylily is looking the best that it has ever looked. It is a very deep purple daylily. It receives sun all day and sometimes will get that color faded look. This year, however, Going Grape Now is really striking.
Hemerocallis Going Grape Now
This daylily presents about 18" tall, 5" bloom, and is deep purple with ruffled edges and green throat. We sell it for $8.00.
Hemerocallis Just for Fun
This daylily grows to height of about 2', has a 7" bloom, and is a yellow and pink bitone with green throat. Our price is $8.00 per fan.
This daylily is about 4 1/2' tall, is said to be fragrant, is a red self with gold throat and is a "spider" with a ratio of 5.30:1, meaning that it is 5 1/2" long and 1" wide. Very nice, pretty daylily in the garden. It sells for $8.00 here at Oakville Farm.
Enjoy our website: Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Phew ....
Want to thank Charles and Cindy for visiting us today. Hope you will enjoy your daylilies for years to come. Glad that you visited mid morning. In checking the weather just a while ago, it was 93 degrees with heat index of over 100. Phew ....
Had a nice rain shower last night. Lightning, thunder and lots of rain evidently, many of the rows between the daylilies were full of water this morning. It made for easier weed pulling, good photos and good bloom growth, however.
Hemerocallis Siloam Mama Sellers
This daylily presents about 2' tall, has a 4-5" bloom and is a rose self with a green throat. We sell this daylily for $8.00.
Hemerocallis Siloam Merle Kent
This low growing daylily has a small, 3.5" bloom, is orchid with a deep purple eyezone and green throat. This would be a good daylily to place in the front of other plants, since it is short. We sell this daylily for $5.00.
All for now. Please continue to enjoy our website: Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday ....
We have many many. Here are a few more.
Hemerocallis Susan Whitfield
A yellow peach blend with a green throat makes this a soft pretty daylily. It grows to about 2 1/2' tall and it's bloom size is almost 6". Here at Oakville Farm we sell this daylily for $13.00.
Hemerocallis Mokan Butterfly
This daylily presents near white with lavender halo and green throat. The term halo refers to an eye that is very light, relatively narrow or indistinct. It grows to about 3' tall and has a 5" bloom. It would make a good daylily in the background of your flower bed, since it would rise above shorter plants in the foreground. We sell Mokan Butterfly for $9.00.
Continue to visit us Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Temperature's arisin' ....
Weather has been gorgeous here at Oakville Farm. A great day for daylilies. As posted last night, we had a nice shower which gave our daylilies the extra push for more buds to open today. And speaking of which, I could not pick out a "favorite" daylily to show this evening. Here are a few more ......
Hemerocallis Doug Mayfield
Doug Mayfield daylily is short, about 16" tall, has a small bloom, about 3.5" and is an early midseason bloomer. It is a rose pink blend with dark pink eyezone and green throat. It is said that the Doug Mayfield daylily is fragrant. We sell this daylily for $6.00.
This buff self, 2 1/2' tall , large 5" bloom is a real show stopper in the garden/yard. The color buff refers to a light yellow/brown to a moderate orange-yellow color. Mary Todd has a high bud count and is a very hardy daylily. It multiplies quickly and is easy to separate. We sell it for $5.00.
Hemerocallis Nicholas Leigh
This pretty brick red self daylily is bout 2 1/2' tall, has a large bloom, about 5.5" and is a midseason bloomer. Ours just began to bloom. And it looks so good beside the smaller daylily called Mosel. Our Nicholas Leigh daylily sells for $5.00 per fan.
Just a side note ... sometimes we purchase daylilies for their foliage, their colorful bloom, the bloom time, the size or uniqueness of the bloom or sometimes we buy the daylily for its name, or part of its name. Our grandson and our nephew's name is Nicholas, so wonder why we purchased this one? :)
Hope you have enjoyed this showing of daylilies. Does anyone have a favorite daylily? Please let us know.
Be sure and check us out on the web: Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Good night
Have been on the tractor today, bush hogging the pasture. That's why I am so late with the posting. What great timing, with the pasture clipping, I mean ... it is currently raining. And oh we really needed the rain. Can't wait to see the beautiful blooms in the morning. :)
Today another one of my favorite daylilies was blooming. I like the rich color.
Hemerocallis Sebastian
Yes, daylily Sebastian is about 2' tall, is a rebloomer and bloom size is considered "large" ... about 5" in diameter or larger. It is an early midseason bloomer.
Hemerocallis Jan's Twister
This great daylily specimen plant is about 2 1/2 feet tall. It is termed a "crispate", meaning that it is an unusual form. Crispate refers to the tepals of the daylily being smooth with a crease in the center. Jan's Twister is also referred to as a "Spider". The term spider means that the petal length is four times the petal's width or more. The bloom is a peach self with a green throat. Very striking in the yard/garden. We sell this daylily for $11.00.
This beauty is almost 3' tall and has a 5" bloom. It is mustard yellow with purple eyezone and green throat. It has a high bud count, with several blooms on the same scape opening at the same time. It also stands out and is a real eye catcher. This daylily sells for $11.00
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
More bloomers from Oakville Farm ....
Monday, June 7, 2010
Monday evening .....
Hemerocallis Pilot Light
This daylily presents a very delicate light lavender pink with lemon throat. Bloom size is large..about 6". We sell this nice daylily for $7.00
Hemerocallis Big Kiss
This daylily stands about 2 1/2' tall. It is a fragrant rebloomer. Big Kiss is a peach double with a rose eyezone. Very showy and distinct. Folks pick it out above others.
Hemerocallis Flower Fiesta
This is an early blooming daylily here in Zone 7. It is short, about 18" tall. Has small bloom, about 3.5". It is a rose red with deeper eyezone, green throat and is a rebloomer. It will show its beauty throughout the summer. We sell this daylily for $5.00.
Hope you enjoyed these few daylilies that we have to offer. Will show you more tomorrow. And as always, check out our website
Want to send out a Thanks to Lawrence, Joy and Mitzi for visiting our daylily farm on Sunday. Nice meeting you and hope to see you again.
Until next time, Happy Gardening ...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Phew ....
A few bloomers for us:
Hemerocallis Imperial Lemon
This very showy large bloom (7") lemon yellow daylily is a beautiful speciman. It is a rebloomer and a tad over 3 feet tall. It stands out in the garden, a very bright color. Here at Oakville Farm we sell it for $7.00
Hemerocallis Whooperee
This beautiful large red blooming daylily is my favorite, favorite today that is. It is bold and very striking in the garden. Stands over 3' tall and it can be seen from far away. It blooms early in the season. It is a rebloomer. It has a darker red eyezone and a green throat. It also has a light fragrance. The scent depends on the time of day and the weather conditions. A great buy for $8.00 from Oakville Farm.
Our website: shows the daylilies which we have to offer. We ship daylilies via UPS on Monday or Tuesday, assuring freshness to you. Please check our site often.
Thanks for visiting. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Almost the weekend ...
Want to send out a great big thanks to John and Peggy for their daylily internet orders. You will receive many years of beautiful blooms.
Nice to meet Jo Ann and Mary. Hope your Big Kiss daylilies and others will provide you with many beautiful blooms.
While perusing our daylilies this morning, found some new bloomers.
Hemerocallis Pirate's Promise
This perennial shows a large bloom, and is lavendar with purple eyezone and green throat. It is a rebloomer and approximately 28" tall. This is a great daylily which sells for $8.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Barbie Doll
A light lavendar color with darker halo and greenish yellow throat. Short, with small bloom. Bloom size is about 3.5". It is an elegant daylily. This daylily sells for $5.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Paper Butterfly
About 28" tall, large bloom, rebloomer. This daylily presents cream peach violet blend with violet eyezone and green throat. A good showy addition to any yard. This daylily sells for $5.00 per fan.
Remember that when you purchase a daylily from Oakville Farm, we send you 2-3 fans for each cultivar that you order. Be sure and visit our website for a good daylily that is just right for you and your yard.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hope everyone has had a good Sunday. Our weather here in north central North Carolina was just gorgeous. High in the 80's, light breeze, low humidity and not a cloud in the sky. Great weather for people, goats and daylilies. And the dogs were basking in the sun as well.
Have seen a few new daylily bloomers today.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Opening Day ...
Want to send out a thanks to Bobbie and Jere for their purchases. The Mynelles's Starfish will make a great addition to your garden. And John, hoping that you received your daylilies and found everything in order. Please visit our website for the best daylily for your yard/garden:
Several of our customers were talking about having gardens with a specific theme. One customer has a "white" area in their garden. All plants are white in color. Another customer said that they have an area that has plants whose names are names of animals. How cool is that? Does anyone have any other "themed" garden areas? It would be fun to hear about them.
All for now. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thanks ...
Our Happy Returns daylily is currently blooming. A small yellow bloom. It is also a reblooming daylily. That means the dayliliy will bloom , rest, and bloom again. It may bloom for many times during the growing season. Here in Zone 7, ours may bloom up through October, before the first frost certainly.
All for now. Until next time, Happy Gardening
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19
Hope all is well for everyone. Our two acres of Hemerocallis, just say the word out loud, it has a cool sound to it. Daylilies as we all call them, are such a great perennial. I can never say that enough. Easy to care for and they give back so much more .... great foliage, beautiful bloom color, good bloom size and years of production.
Check 'em out today. Every yard/garden/display area should incorporate these plants.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Good Afternoon ...
Walked through the daylilies during a lull this morning and am seeing many new scapes rising up. Oh yes, the rains are certainly a welcome necessity.
Had a question posed to us here at Oakville Farm. Someone wants to know about pigment color, the possibility of change of bloom color. After much research and much talk about pigment color and possible change, we found an article by Tom Hart: . It may give you an insight to pigment change. If you find other useful information, please pass it on to us. Thanks.
For daylilies, they need 6-8 hours of sunlight each day, an inch of rain per week during scape time, fertilizing in spring and late summer and need plenty of room to flourish. A daylily will provide you with many years of beautiful blooms. Visit our website to find the right daylily .... just for you.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Hello all....
We have been busy here. Our weather was just perfect during the first part of the spring: rains when we needed it and bright sunny days. Then Mother Nature sent a High pressure system to sit over us. Bringing us many many weeks of hot, record heat as a matter of fact, to our area. That in turn had us work harder providing water to the plants.
Using soaker hoses to water our daylilies, they are looking really good. Several extra early bloomers, ie: Stella de Oro and Butterscotch Ruffles blooms are currently showing some good color. The Stella de Oro is a short growing (12-14" tall) plant with a small golden color bloom. It is a rebloomer, which means that it will continue blooming from now until frost. It is a very popular perennial which can be seen all throughout landscapes. Stella de Oro daylilies multiply very quickly. They are used on embankments to prevent erosion, used as border or used as a specimen plant. Stella de Oro, like all daylilies are drought tolerant and disease resistant. Daylilies prefer 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. And need to be divided every 3-5 years. Their prolific growth makes them a good plant to share with family and friends.
Pick one up today through our website:
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro

Butterscotch Ruffles, this great perennial daylily grows to about 24" tall and has a small peach blend bloom. "Blend" refers to the bloom having two or more colors mixed together. It is a rebloomer.
Hemerocallis Butterscotch Ruffles

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Hello All
Here we are. The last month of winter/first month of spring and a GREAT month to be planning your daylily purchases for the year.
Here at Oakville Farm we begin shipping daylilies on April 1. Please peruse our great selection of daylily cultivars. Make your wish list, place your order, receive your cultivars, plant them and anxiously await the beautiful blooms. Daylilies make a good cultivar in any garden. They need 6-8 hours of sun per day, an inch of water per week when sending up scapes, fertilizer in the spring. And you should be set for the season.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Monday, January 4, 2010
As stated in a previous blog entry, we live in Zone 7 and experience average wintertime temperatures between 0-10 degrees Fahrenheit. Currently with daytime temperatures below freezing and nighttime temperatures in the teens our daylilies are definitely "resting". Old Man Winter has certainly blown in.
While walking through the daylilies today, I was reminded that how daylilies may be classified as dormant, semi-evergreen and evergreen in one area, may not be so in others. Therefore, with your own garden, compile an updated notebook about weather plus classifications and how they affect one another. Keeping a garden or specifically daylily notebook, one can keep up with patterns of early growth, slow growers, those needing extra nutrients, those needing to be divided, etc.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Brrrrrr ...
Did not get any photos of the new goats. They continue to be very skiddish and did not take kindly to "camera and me" in their space today. Maybe I can tempt them to get close with a little bit of peanut hay. Our other goats love the peanut hay and will come running when it is put out.
And speak of "out", Sampson, the buck goat, got out of his pen today. He was in the yard munching away. He jumped the fence, so Sherman had to put hot wire around the top to prevent him from jumping again. He is back in the pen tonight. Wonder where he will be tomorrow? Stay tuned.
Remember, spring is the next season and a great time to order and plant new daylilies. So be thinking and until next time, Happy Gardening.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Saturday ....
Hope everyone is having a good day. It is very cold here in Zone 7. Our average daytime temperature is supposed to be near 50 degrees. Today it was 35 degrees with a stiff wind, feeling more like the upper teens. YIKES. I believe that the temperature is in the 20's already. But we are inside for the night. The dogs will even be inside in the laundry room for the evening.
I perused the daylilies today. All are resting comfortably.
Our farm grew today, by ten Boer cross doe goats. They are a bit skiddish, but should settle in within a few days. Like to see pix of them?
Guess this is all for now. Remember to check us out when making 2010 daylily gardening plans.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Welcome in the year 2010. That always sounded so futuristic to me. And here it is. WOW. Hope each of you has a healthy and prosperious new year.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.