Want to send out a great big thanks to John and Peggy for their daylily internet orders. You will receive many years of beautiful blooms.
Nice to meet Jo Ann and Mary. Hope your Big Kiss daylilies and others will provide you with many beautiful blooms.
While perusing our daylilies this morning, found some new bloomers.
Hemerocallis Pirate's Promise
This perennial shows a large bloom, and is lavendar with purple eyezone and green throat. It is a rebloomer and approximately 28" tall. This is a great daylily which sells for $8.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Barbie Doll
A light lavendar color with darker halo and greenish yellow throat. Short, with small bloom. Bloom size is about 3.5". It is an elegant daylily. This daylily sells for $5.00 per fan.
Hemerocallis Paper Butterfly
About 28" tall, large bloom, rebloomer. This daylily presents cream peach violet blend with violet eyezone and green throat. A good showy addition to any yard. This daylily sells for $5.00 per fan.
Remember that when you purchase a daylily from Oakville Farm, we send you 2-3 fans for each cultivar that you order. Be sure and visit our website http://www.oakvillefarm.com/ for a good daylily that is just right for you and your yard.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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