Want to thank Charles and Cindy for visiting us today. Hope you will enjoy your daylilies for years to come. Glad that you visited mid morning. In checking the weather just a while ago, it was 93 degrees with heat index of over 100. Phew ....
Had a nice rain shower last night. Lightning, thunder and lots of rain evidently, many of the rows between the daylilies were full of water this morning. It made for easier weed pulling, good photos and good bloom growth, however.
Hemerocallis Siloam Mama Sellers
This daylily presents about 2' tall, has a 4-5" bloom and is a rose self with a green throat. We sell this daylily for $8.00.
Hemerocallis Siloam Merle Kent
This low growing daylily has a small, 3.5" bloom, is orchid with a deep purple eyezone and green throat. This would be a good daylily to place in the front of other plants, since it is short. We sell this daylily for $5.00.
All for now. Please continue to enjoy our website: http://www.oakvillefarm.com/ Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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