Went out this morning, walked by the daylilies. They grow in rows. And from the heavy amount of rain over the past few days, I was not able to walk through the daylilies, just past them. And the lush green foliage, oh my, the daylilies are looking so good.

Another one of our daylilies in the "Specials" section that we would like to highlight is the Hemerocallis Ferris Wheel. This pretty daylily is termed a "spider". Very simply, that means that the length of the daylily tepals are longer than they are wide, usually a 4:1 ratio. It is red and displays a yellow throat. It is dormant, dying back in the winter. And blooms in mid season, mid June here in Zone 7. We have it on special for $2.00 per fan. Be sure and check out our website http://www.oakvillefarm.com/ for this "Special" and other daylilies which will be the perfect flower for your yard/garden.
If you would like to check out our weather here at Oakville Farm, be sure and check it out at www.weatherlink.com/user/oakvillefarm So until next time, have a good day and Happy Gardening.
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