Weather is cool, overcast for yet another day. And I am not complaining. We were in a drought, not sure of the status now that we have all the rain, however rain is always welcome. The daylilies certainly do love it. Check out our weather station info at www.weatherlink.com/user/oakvillefarm for the up to the minute weather here at Oakville Farm.
Then while you are at it, check out our daylily website: www.oakvillefarm.com.
Daylilies are such a great perennial. They are essentially pest/disease resistant. Most say that their nemesis are the four legged creatures called "DEER". For years now we hve customers who reported having problems with deer eating the fresh lush foliage. Customers said that deer would walk right past small foliage plants to get the large thick lush foliage. We read about: putting human hair, body soap shavings, tin foil/pie pans in and around the area; adequate fencing; use of dogs; pigs penned around the area, etc. One of our customers suggested a product called Milorganite, that sounded like a "good try" for us. It is spread over the daylilies every 30 days and that seems to do the trick. It is a fertilizer, with an "aroma" or taste (not sure which) that deter deer. So it is out there. Have not seen fresh deer tracks nor new nibblings within the past week. :)
To our readers, what effective ways do you have to deter deer from the yard/garden? We like to hear from you :)
Make plans for a daylily .... or daylilies .... to make your yard/garden beautiful. All for now. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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