~Hanna Rion
WOW, what a nice day here at Oakville Farm. Began overcast and cool like, and has turned into a most delightful day, weather wise. Light cloud cover, sun, slight breeze, a very nice spring day. Hope others of you are having a good Saturday.
Our azaleas, iris, crimson clover, crab apple and kwanzan cherry are showing their pretty color right now. And the peonies (another of my favs!) are up and buds will be opening soon.
Had about three tenths of an inch of rain yesterday. A welcome event, the rain. The ground is now pliable. Was able to dig up several daylilies/separate/move/replant without much difficulty.
Here's hoping that Liza and Anna received their daylily orders and have found a good place for them. :) Gardening...
The daylily we want to showcase today is Hemerocallis Trahlyta. This daylily is a grayed violet
All for now. Until next time, Happy Gardening.
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