The earth laughs in flowers. ~EmersonOh yes, daylily flowers are in abundance at this time of year. And looking out among the flowers will certainly bring a smile to your face. So, laugh, laugh, laugh, I say!
And while you are laughing, look at these daylilies ....
Martha Fawcett daylily is a nice reblooming dayily. It is a

midseason bloomer, currently in bloom. It is light pink with a dark pink eyezone. The petals have ruffled edges. Bloom size is over 4 inches and it stands about 2 1/2 feet tall.
Martha Fawcett is a
tetraploid. It is on Special here at Oakville Farm for $5.00 per double fan.
El Desperado is also a nice daylily. It is a late blooming daylily, blooming here in late

June/early July. It is a mustard yellow with a wine purple eyezone and green throat. Bloom size is approximately 5" and is also a
tetraploid. It is a rebloomer. One customer suggested that it had a nice light fragrance, I have not yet noticed that. We offer
El Desperado for $12.00 per double fan.
Whooperee is a red daylily with a darker eyezone and green

throat. It has a large bloom, ie over 6", is a rebloomer and is a
tetraploid. We sell the daylily for $8.00 per double fan.
Just a note .... stated earlier was the term
Tetraploid refers to the plant as having two sets of chromosomes ie, 44 chromosomes instead of the usual 22. It is said that a
tetraploid gives the plant thicker scapes and tepals, the blooms are larger and the plant grows a bit slower than others.
Hope you have a good day. It is Monday! ... sometimes Monday's can be a bit hectic/troublesome/busy! If things get tense, just take a deep breath and think what beauty in Nature awaits you. If you are inside, near a computer and can peruse the internet, check out our website Looking at daylilies should bring a smile to your face and a calmness to your soul.
Until next time, Happy Gardening.