Phew, is it just soooo hot and dry here in central North Carolina or what? Daytime high hit 90 degrees. And guess what? That high is supposed to be the coolest in the next seven day forecast!
How are your daylilies fairing in this heat? Ours, well, the daylilies, they continue to produce scapes/buds/blossoms. As I say so many times, it brings a smile to ones face to walk among the daylilies and see the newly opened blooms. Hope you are finding the pleasure as well.
Check us out at Oakville Farm daylilies and
Oakville Farm Weather, (OFW).
Want to showcase the daylily, Pat Mercer. This daylily presents a bright orange with a lighter halo and green throat. The term halo refers to an eye that is relatively narrow. This daylily bloom is large, over 6" in diameter. A good sturdy daylily which we offer for $6.00 per double fan.
A nice double daylily which is popular is called Double
Want to say hello to all who have made recent purchases. Thank you and hope you will shop again. And say to Hollie ... hope you like your "new do!".
All for this time. Hope you have a restful evening. Until Next time, Happy Gardening.
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