June 14 .... Flag Day. Proud to be American! Display your American Flag...Proudly. Wear your American Flag...Proudly. Respect your American Flag...Proudly!
Make a flower arrangement using flowers/ribbons/vases with the colors Red, White, Blue. Such beauty!
And the temperature outside is so very nice this AM. 62 degrees earlier with a slight breeze. Have opened the windows in the house and it feels great! I saw the goats moving up the hill and the kids were jumping/hopping/chasing one another. The coolness must feel good to them as well!
Daylilies ... let us see. What are some beauties that are showing their stuff this morning. Hemerocallis Nicholas Leigh is a nice blooming daylily. This daylily grows about 3 feet tall. It is brick red in color with a green throat. With a bloom size of about 5".
Then there is Olympic Gold. What a great showy daylily. The foliage sits in the background to a thick rich golden color daylily bloom. It stands about three feet tall and is a midseason bloomer.
Both daylilies can be found at www.oakvillefarm.com. Check us out.
Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.
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