Daylily season began its "full bloom" last week here at Oakville Farm. Well over half of the daylilies are blooming. Marty and Nancy visited us yesterday, thank you for the daylily purchases. Your choice of daylilies will bring you many years of pleasure. And Betty, so glad that you received your daylilies and have them planted in the ground. With water, about an inch per week, your daylilies will get established and should bloom this year. Linda, are yours hydrating or have they found a new home? Enjoy, one and all! :)

Saturday...yes Saturday already! Our community, Wise, NC, is scheduled to have a parade beginning at 10 AM. In the past, the parade had tractors, horseback riders, floats, Shriners, old cars, fire trucks, etc. Excited to see what will be enroute this year! The route is along US Highway 1, about a mile long

Well, all for this time. Hope you have a good day. Be safe, have fun, enjoy family and friends. Until next time, Happy Gardening.

PS. Someone sent me this gif. So cute. Thanks!
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