Thursday, January 19, 2012

Morning is the best of all times in the garden. The sun is not yet hot. Sweet vapors rise from the earth. Night dew clings to the soil and makes plants glisten. Birds call to one another. Bees are already at work. ~William Longgood

Can't you just hear and see and smell that morning?

Today, would like to showcase a few of our Orange daylilies. Hope you enjoy.

Frans Hals

This is a bright rust and orange bicolor daylily. It has orange midrib on petals. Frans Hals is a mid to late season bloomer. It is very showy in the blazing summer sun.

Bright Sunset

This daylily is a burnt orange with a deeper halo and a green yellow throat. It is an early season bloomer. Standing three feet tall and having a bloom over six inches in width.

Tuscawilla Tigress

This bright orange daylily has a dark eyezone and chartreuse throat. Standing about two feet tall and displaying a large bloom ie, over seven inches. A great rebloomer that begins blooming in early mid season.

Sound and Fury

The daylily is a brilliant orange red and has a green gold throat. Standing about two feet tall and displaying a bloom of over five inches, it is a mid season bloomer. Looks very good paired with a yellow daylily.

Daylilies just no introduction .... just reminders that they are a great perennial to have in your yard. They smell good, look nice and attract the sound of buzzing bees. Hope you will try in a few. And until next time, Happy Gardening.

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