Tuesday, July 28, 2009

6 days.....


I have been very busy with daylilies, daylily sales, gardening and have missed blogging with you. But hope you are continuing to enjoy your daylilies.

DAYLILIES.....We have lined out many cultivars. Some daylilies are much easier to divide than others. "Division" is the term used to describe dividing a multifan clump into individual fans/plants. We find that a beautiful, thick daylily called "Tomato Surprize" does not divide well and must be cut apart so as not to distrub the integrity of the fan. The daylily called "Mosel" is easy to divide, it can be twisted apart at the crown, without any damage to the plant. What other daylily plants are easy to divide? Difficult to divide? Please let us know your experiences.
We also moved daylilies from our "display" area to our "for sale" area. So be on the lookout for new daylily cultivars to be on sale next year. We are revising prices (lowering in most cases) for many of our daylilies. So continue to visit our website, http://www.oakvillefarm.com to find the daylily that is just right for you.

DAYLILY SALES.....Thanks to our many daylily customers, we have sold out several varieties. And again, I want to send a BIG "THANK YOU" to our repeat customers. Your purchases and referrals to fellow daylily lovers have been much appreciated.

GARDENING.....Our corn, which was very slow to start, has come in. And you know what a chore that can be....pulling, shucking, removing silk, washing, canning or freezing. Plus trying to eat some all along!! Then yesterday I was picking blueberries. Thanks to a local family for allowing us to pick those beautiful blueberries. They were so tasty. In fact, my teeth were blue after eating sooooo many deliciously sweet blueberries. YUM!!! Tomatoes have not done very well this summer, weather just too dry. The okra is just grand. Does anyone have a good recipe for cooking okra? I like it fried, but would like to try other "tried and true" recipes.

Guess this is all for now. Time to head to Carolyn's garden and get the last of the green beans. Well, "string beans" as they are called here in North Carolina. So until next time, Happy Gardening.

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