Friday, July 17, 2009

Almost the Weekend..

Hello to each of you on this beautiful Friday. Guess it is officially the weekend at 5:00 PM Friday, but it is soooo close now. So, have a safe one. And be sure to stop and smell the flowers as often as possible. You know, that does not mean to literally smell the flowers, at it says " 'Stop and smell the flowers', is a saying that is really not related to flowers at all. It is a reminder, a message, for each of us, to stop rushing, stop working late, time passes quickly. Stop and enjoy the day, the moment and the minute. Each minute that you miss, is time lost and will not return to you again." So, slow down for a mere moment each day. There is so much beauty out there....

Daylilies are a pretty part of one's day. They are a great perennial that require 6-8 hours of sun each day to perform to their highest. With less sun, daylilies will produce less blooms. The darker colored daylilies, ie: Jungle Beauty and Night Beacon, may become streaked in color when subjected to intense heat for a long time period. Those daylilies would be just as beautiful in six hours of sun daily. Guess my point is that if your daylilies are not as "showy" you think that they could be, look at the daily sun they receive and the possibility of overcrowding and needing lining out. Daylilies are very forgiving plants and require minimal amount of attention. Honestly a perfect perennial plant for your garden or yard.

Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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