Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It is H O T today

Time travel ..... I remember when growing up in Aurora Indiana, that our Mother would spell words instead of saying them. I thought it was because she did not want us to know what she was talking about. However as an adult, I asked her why she spelled sooooo many words around my brother and I. Well, it turned out that she was evoking the need for us to learn how to spell. I tell that story to show why I have the word, H O T spaced that way in the title. Can you tell, I was spelling just to emphasize how HOT it is here today. (Thanks to Mother for impressing the need for correct spelling, no matter how simple a word!) :)

Our daylilies are continuing to show such beauty. Amidst this almost unbearable heat. Thus far it is 92 degrees with the heat index showing 108 degrees. YIKES, now that is hot. The humidity is fairly low today, which does not make this an oppressive day. If outside, we all have to mindful of the heat by taking more breaks, drinking much water, getting in the shade when possible.

Want to say nice meeting Laurel, Anita and Levi. Look forward to seeing you this Saturday. And glad that Linda and Glenda came by today and hope to see you again soon.

What daylilies shall we see today? Hmmmmm, how about,

Hemerocallis American Bicentennial

This daylily is about 2 1/2' tall, has a 6" bloom, is a light rose with a light chartreuse throat. We sell this daylily for $4.00.

Hemerocallis Barbary Corsair

This is a short daylily with a small bloom. It is a rebloomer and is violet plum purple with a lime throat. The foliage has small leaves. Scapes are thin/small as well. We sell this daylily for $5.00 per fan.

Hemerocallis Chicago Apache

This daylily presents a 2 1/2' tall daylily with a 5" bloom. It is scarlet red with a green throat. It has just begun blooming here at Oakville Farm. We sell this daylily for $5.00 per fan.

Hope these three "beautiful bloomers" give you an idea of how to incorporate them into your landscape and that you will make your purchase with us. Check us out: http://www.oakvillefarm.com/ for that ideal daylily for you. Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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