Monday, August 8, 2011

Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing.

Ever sit out under a tree, viewing the daylilies, sipping on a drink and reading from your favorite book, perusing a daylily catalog or checking the internet on your laptop? Taking your "library" outdoors can be soooooo fun!

My sister has a great area under a large Oak with several old metal rockers, a picnic table and a hammock chair. Many great hours are spent there.

My friend has a beautiful back porch that faces her magnificent yard where she sits, sipping her favorite drink, watching the day go by.

Some say, having that "garden" is hard work. Well, it certainly is. And the benefit ... well it is
undoubtedly worth the work! Daylilies will fill up the yard/garden and give you years of pleasure. The daylily Jungle Beauty is a dark black red with a yellow green throat. It is a mid season bloomer that we sell here at Oakville Farm for $6.00 per double fan. Check it out.

All for this time. Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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