Monday, April 30, 2012

Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Where have these first four months of 2012 gone? Can you believe that it is the last day of April?  Phew!

While perusing the daylilies here at Oakville Farm, I see that Stella de Oro daylilies are sending up scapes.  In the past this has happened during the second week of May.  Guess things are a bit early this year.  Northern Florida has blooming daylilies.  Saw the daylily, Stella de Oro, blooming at Maclay Gardens.  Plus several taller golden ones, that were not tagged.  With over 60,000 daylily cultivars, I would say that it is impossible to tell the name of a daylily, ie there are over 150 gold colored daylily cultivars alone.  You know ... bloom time, how tall, which ploidy, flower form, flower color, fragrance, texture, foliage habit ... each a different characteristic for each daylily cultivar.  Oh my!

Hope you are checking out our website, OAKVILLE FARM.  Good variety of daylily cultivars, reasonably priced.  Just a deal that can't be passed up.

Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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