Thursday, June 14, 2012

I sit in my garden, gazing upon a beauty that cannot gaze upon itself.  And I find sufficient purpose for my day.  ~Robert Brault  

The flower, oh yes, the flower garden.  What's new today?  Here, there are new daylily cultivars blooming each and every day.  This is the "peak season", about 80 % of the daylilies at Oakville Farm are in their full glory.  The late season bloomers are currently sending up scapes and still have 3 more weeks before opening.  

New bloomers ...

Pirate's Promise

Daylily Pirate's Promise is lavender with purple eyezone above green throat.  It is a midseason rebloomer.  Pirate's Promise is over five inches wide and stands about two and a half feet tall.  Nice, showy daylily.  

Ferris Wheel

Daylily Ferris Wheel is a red self with gold throat.  It is a spider. Spider refers to the concept that the petal length is four times that of the width.  Ferris Wheel is a midseason bloomer.  It stands over three tall.  A nice look, rising above the foliage.

 Going out now, so, have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

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