Saturday, June 30, 2012

 "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."  ~Author Unkown

Visited a garden yesterday and saw several  "Garden signs"  ...
"Cats Welcome"
"Nana's Garden"
"Old gardeners never die, they just spade away"
"Love grows here"

All in different colors, sizes and forms.  So fun.  I like whimsical, fun, creative items in the garden.  Yard art, ya know.  :)  What yard art do you have?

Hope everyone was safe in the HOT weather yesterday.  I believe that the official temp in the area was 105 degrees.  The kind of day when the heat was radiating from the ground and the sky.  And the same is forecast for today.

Heading outdoors now, want to get a bit of yard work done before the heat sets in.  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Friday, June 29, 2012

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.  ~Celia Thaxter

"Bloomers" ... 

Always Afternoon

Daylily Always Afternoon presents a medium mauve edged buff with purple eyezone and green throat.  It is an early season rebloomer that is over five inches in diameter and stands about two feet tall. 

Holly Hill Strutter
Daylily Holly Hill Strutter is lavender rose blend with purple eye and yellow green throat. It is a mid season bloomer that is over seven inches in diameter and stands near three feet tall.  The bloom rises well above the foliage. 

It is very HOT out there this morning, so when you get indoors near a computer, check out other daylilies that are for sale here  at Oakville Farm.  

Good to hear from you, Libby.  Always like to talk "daylilies".  :)  And L & A, thanks for your support.  Daylily family and friends are Wonderful!

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

If friends were flowers, I'd pick you  ~Author Unknown

Want to say "enjoyed y'all" to my friends who visited yesterday.  The collective years of daylily knowledge that we all share ... oh my, more than a hundred years!!!!

The weather, oh the weather .... it is the TOP story on all the "information highways"!  It is gonna get SUPER HOT, triple digits starting tomorrow and lasting for at least five days.  So if outdoors, please stay hydrated with lots and lots of water, wear light colored clothing, work early in the morning, take many breaks.  Be safe.

More "bloomers" ...

Double Reward

Daylily Double Reward is a pale yellow self.  A mid season bloomer that is over six inches in diameter and stands about three feet tall.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Here’s how to plant your garden: 

First, you Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses For the Garden of your daily living, 

Plant three rows of PEAS.
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul. 

Plant four rows of SQUASH.
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness. 

Plant four rows of LETTUCE.
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another. 

No garden is without TURNIPS.
1.Turnip for meetings
2.Turnip for service
3.Turnip to help one another. 

To conclude our garden we must have THYME
1. Thyme for each other
2.Thyme for family
3.Thyme for friends. 

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

Thank you Cathy for sending this garden poem.  Vegetable and fruit gardens are sending out a very bountiful crop this year, ie potatoes, green beans (string beans as folks here call them), zucchini, squash, onions, corn.  And the list goes on and on and on!

When you are ready for flowers for your "other" garden, check out all the daylilies here at Oakville Farm.  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. -Liberty Hyde Bailey  

 High temps yesterday then a cold front came thru.  Skies darkened, winds blew, rains fell.  For a short, quick 20 minutes, the rains fell.  Almost a third of an inch of rain.  Yeah!  And today, temps are supposed to be below average, low humidity, bright sun, cloudless sky  ... just a great, great summer day here in north central North Carolina.  

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Monday, June 25, 2012

"A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul." -- Sadi 

Was driving around today and noticed that not just here but in a 60  mile area from north to south, lawns are brown and dry. There are not any lawn watering restrictions that I have heard of, however, did not see any lawn sprinklers working.  Heat index is 100 degrees here, just providing more evaporation.  Yikes!   Check out the weather here at Oakville Farm, OFW, when you get a chance.

"Bloomers" for today .... 


Daylily Hyperion is an older well established daylily been around for more than 80 years, having been registered in 1924.  It is green yellow light self.  It is fragrant.  A mid season bloomer which multiplies very quickly and is easy to separate when dividing.  It stands almost four feet tall.  The blooms are high above the foliage.   It has been a good seller this year. 

Check out this and all other daylilies that are offered here at Oakville Farm.

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gardeners: People who try to keep plants alive in and around their homes. They're divided into the following categories based on their level of expertise:

*novice gardener: Someone who hasn't gardened long enough to kill one hundred plants.
*experienced gardener: Someone who's gardened long enough to kill one thousand plants.
*expert gardener: Someone who's qualified to tell others how to kill ten thousand plants.  ~Author Unknown

So there it is.  Thought was soooo cute.  Which type of gardener are you?  Guess I am an Expert Gardener!!!  

Thank you my many daylily customers.  Just great spending time with you yesterday.

Great "bloomers" for today ...

First Knight

Daylily First Knight is cream yellow with gold edge and green throat.  A early mid season rebloomer that is six inches wide and stands more than two feet tall.   Petals/sepals are thick.

Martha Fawcett

Daylily Martha Fawcett is light beige pink with rose pink eyezone above yellow green throat.  It is a mid season reblooming daylily with bloom standing  near two feet tall and spreading over four and a half inches in width.  The bloom lays right above the foliage.  Here in Zone 7 it is a nice daylily, blooming from late June until frost.

Hope you have a good day.  Be it outdoors, with family or friends, working, relaxing.  And until next time, Happy Gardening.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer has set in with its usual severity.  ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Thunder storms around here yesterday.  More than six inches of rain in places and yet .... not a drop here.  What's up with that? Hmmmm!

More Oakville Farm "bloomers" .... 

Black Eyed Susan  

Daylily Black Eyed Susan is a butter yellow with red purple eyezone.  A midseason bloomer  that stands over two feet tall and presents a five inch wide bloom.  Very showy under overcast days or under bright sunlight.  It does not fade.

Pink Super Spider

Daylily Pink Super Spider is rose and pink cream blend with cream green eyezone and green throat.    It is a midseason rebloomer.  Bloom is over ten inches and stands near three feet tall. 

Want to share a few photos of another part of Oakville Farm ....

These are Boer Goats.

All for this time.  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Coffee.  Garden.  Coffee.  Does a good morning need anything else?  ~Betsy Cañas Garmon

Or around here ... sweet tea, sweet tea! 

It is already hot out there.  Check out our weather at OFW.   Was walking amongst the daylilies and thinking about the day.  And wanted to showcase more "bloomers".

Frances Joiner

Daylily Frances Joiner is a rose blend with green yellow throat.  A reblooming daylily that begins blooming midseason.  Over five inch bloom width and standing about two feet tall, this daylily presents a nice soft color.  Would accent a yellow daylily.

All for this time.  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.  ~Author Unknown

 At 7:09 PM, 2012 summer solstice begins.  Happy Summer to each and everyone.  What comes to mind when you think of summer?  Schools closed, summer vacations, spending time at Grandparents, swimming, eating watermelon, family picnics, summer camp, "girl time" at the beach, bathing suits, beach bums, mosquitos, fleas/ticks, fresh garden vegetables ... oh yes, the taste of that first fresh tomato off the vine!  YUM ... YUM!

Have grass to mow, so will end here.  Hope you have a good evening and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No two gardens are the same. No two days are the same in one garden. ~Hugh Johnson
Was thinking about different garden areas that one has in their own yard/space.  There is the vegetable garden, the annual garden, perennial garden, aquatic garden, desert garden area.  All within a confined space. And I have that here, as well.   One space that is drier and hotter, which includes cacti.  Another that is under trees, includes camellias.  Even in the daylily areas ... an area that has less daylight hours,  or area where soil that is sandier. Hmmmm....

More "bloomers" ...

Nicholas Leigh

Daylily Nicholas Leigh is a brick red self with green throat.  It is a midseason bloomer with a five and a half inch bloom standing over two and a half tall.

Yes Yes Yes

Daylily Yes Yes Yes is salmon pink self with rose halo and yellow throat.  It is midseason bloomer that is over six inches in width and stands over two and a half feet tall.

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"I have never had so many good ideas day after day as when I worked in the garden." --John Erskine 

One becomes physically tired after a good days work in the garden while taking time to be in the present and think of things to come.  Even sitting outdoors in a swing or on a bench, enjoying the sun on your face, the scent of freshly mowed grass, the light breeze against your skin ... a time to be mindful of all things great and small. 

Spent several hours amongst the daylilies yesterday.  As I say so very often, daylilies make a great perennial, ie pest and disease resistant,  low maintenance, prolific growers, drought tolerant,very adaptable.  

Here are a few more great daylilies ....


Daylily Buddha is a black red self with green throat.    It is an early midseason rebloomer that is about five inches wide and stands near three feet tall.  And as you know, daylilies perform best with 6-8 hours of sunlight daily, the near black cultivars perform well with the lesser amount of light, ie six hours.  I have even seen near black daylilies growing well in lightly filtered light, as sometimes they fade in the intense southern sun.

Prairie Blue Eyes

Daylily Prairie Blue Eyes is lavender with near blue eyezone and green throat.  It is a midseason bloomer that stands over two feet tall with a bloom width of over five inches. 

 Want to say to all fathers, young, old, stepfathers, godfathers, father-in-laws, those who are currently fathers and those soon to be fathers .....
Hope you get to spend time with your Dad, talk with him, hug him, laugh with him, remember him.  Thank you for being there for us.  Love you, Dad.

Have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

'Tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes!

~William Wordsworth

And flowers give us a sweetness to breathe.  Here are a few fragrant daylilies that Oakville Farm has to offer.

Three Wishes

Daylily Three Wishes is a lavender and cream bitone.  Edges are darker and throat is green.  It is a rebloomer that is fragrant.  Blooms early midseason with a bloom width of over three inches and stands two feet tall.

Elegant Candy

Daylily Elegant Candy is pink with red eyezone and green throat.  It is a fragrant rebloomer that blooms early midseason.  Bloom width is over four inches and stands over two feet tall.

Charles Johnston

Daylily Charles Johnston is cherry red self with green throat.  It is a fragrant rebloomer that begins blooming early mid season.  And with adequate watering, continues to bloom until frost.  Bloom size is over six inches and it stands about two feet tall. Blooms are at the edge of the foliage.  And this one is also fragrant.

All for now, hope you had a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

+ Received an email today saying that I had previously showcased Cabbage Flower.  Thanks for letting me know!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

"Friends are like flowers in the garden of life" ~Author Unknown

Friends and flowers, one can never have enough of either one.

The weather here is absolutely the most gorgeous springtime, ever!  Low humidity, bright sun, crystal blue sky, light breeze and unseasonably cool temp.  It is 77 degrees, about 10 degrees cooler than average.  I have been outdoors most all day.  Came inside for a drink of honey sweetened ice tea.  Phew, was that tasty.

Daylilies .... a few more.

Double Daffy

Daylily Double Daffy presents bright yellow with light mahogany eyezone and green throat.  It is a doubleDouble** refers to there being more than one layer of petals. Double Daffy is a midseason bloomer.  Bloom width is about four inches and it stands over two feet tall.

**It is noted from here and others have commented that sometimes the first bloom that opens after initial planting may not be a double, however subsequent blossoms are.

Cabbage Flower

Daylily Cabbage Flower is pastel lemon yellow self with green throat.  It is an extra early season rebloomer.  It is a double which presents a four and half inch bloom standing about a foot and  half tall.  It is fragrant.  The term fragrant in daylily terms refers that blooms present a light pleasing scent.  The scent may vary with the time of day and with weather conditions.

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I sit in my garden, gazing upon a beauty that cannot gaze upon itself.  And I find sufficient purpose for my day.  ~Robert Brault  

The flower, oh yes, the flower garden.  What's new today?  Here, there are new daylily cultivars blooming each and every day.  This is the "peak season", about 80 % of the daylilies at Oakville Farm are in their full glory.  The late season bloomers are currently sending up scapes and still have 3 more weeks before opening.  

New bloomers ...

Pirate's Promise

Daylily Pirate's Promise is lavender with purple eyezone above green throat.  It is a midseason rebloomer.  Pirate's Promise is over five inches wide and stands about two and a half feet tall.  Nice, showy daylily.  

Ferris Wheel

Daylily Ferris Wheel is a red self with gold throat.  It is a spider. Spider refers to the concept that the petal length is four times that of the width.  Ferris Wheel is a midseason bloomer.  It stands over three tall.  A nice look, rising above the foliage.

 Going out now, so, have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.  ~William Shakespeare

Oh yes it does!

What is one to do when there is no internet service?  When one is used to working from the internet daily?  When you go to the computer, try to connect and NOTHING!!!!?   Phew!  Internet service was interrupted for more than a day now.  Went out yesterday morning and now it is just back online.  So glad to be back here with you.  Hope you are having a good day.

I have mowed grass, perused the daylilies, fed the goats, walked the fenceline, washed clothes, answered many many phone calls, spread mulch, prepared/baked/ate pizza.  WOW, guess there are other things to do besides stay on the internet!

Until next time, Happy Gardening.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.  ~Hans Christian Andersen

Daylilies make a great "little flower".  As I was perusing them this morning, I was in Awww of the bright color on display.  The skies are overcast and that seems to bring a vibrance of color.  The smaller purple daylily, Barbary Corsair to the larger orange daylily, Pat Mercer, the hues are so strong.

Here are more "bloomers" ...

Imperial Lemon

Daylily Imperial Lemon presents a lemon yellow self with a green throat.  It stands over three feet tall and has a bloom that is near seven inches in diameter.  It is an early mid season bloomer that reblooms with adequate watering during the season.  Blooms are thick and are high above on a strong scape (stem).  In the overcast skies or bright sun, Imperial Lemon is a very attractive daylily.

Pilot Light

Daylily Pilot Light is a diamond dusted lavender pink with a lemon throat.  It is an early midseason bloomer that stands about two and half feet tall presenting a six inch bloom.  The  hue of the pink makes this a very soft sight to the eyes.

Hope this will peak your interest in daylilies and the large number of cultivars that are available.  Check out the Oakville Farm website to find the daylily just for you.  

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Monday, June 11, 2012

"It is the month of June,
The month of leaves and roses,
When pleasant sights salute the eyes
And pleasant scents the noses."

-  Nathaniel Parker Willis

Hope everyone had a good weekend and will begin this work week with new vigor. 

Daylilies are very very showy here at Oakville Farm.  Which daylilies are blooming in your yard?  And which are your favorite?  So many cultivars to choose from, oh my!!!!

Here are a few to peak your interest ....

Karen Sue

Daylily Karen Sue is a rose and cream bicolor with a cream throat.  Bicolor means that the petal segments are a totally different color than the sepal segments.  It is a mid season bloomer standing about two feet tall.  Bloom size is over five inches. 

Rainbow Candy

Daylily Rainbow Candy is a cream with purple lavender gray and yellow eyezone.  It is an early mid season rebloomer.  It stands over two feet tall and shows a bloom of greater than four inches.  The petals (top three segments) have ruffled edges.  Also fragrant. 

Please check out Oakville Farm for other great "bloomers".  Have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The man who has planted a garden feels that he has done something for the good of the world~Author Unknown

Planting trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables ... all good in my book.  When planting daylilies, most anytime is good.  Here in Zone 7, at Oakville Farm, daylilies are currently blooming.  When purchasing daylilies now, it is recommended that after getting the daylilies home, cut the greenery back to about five inches and then place roots in water for hydration.  Leave in water for several hours before planting.  After planting, provide an inch of water per week allowing daylilies to get established.  The daylilies will recover promptly and new growth will appear.  That is the magic of daylilies, they are quite resilient.

Here are more great bloomers ....

Double Dribble

Daylily Double Dribble is a coral self.  It is a double reblooming cultivar that blooms mid season.  Bloom width is about five inches and it stands two feet tall.  Double Dribble is fragrant.  Very nice daylily.

Jay Turman
Daylily Jay Turman is a dark red self with gold throat .  It is an early season reblooming daylily.  Bloom width is more than five inches and it stands two and a half feet tall.

Check out our daylily website, Oakville Farm, to view other great "bloomers".  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Perennials are such a good plant/flower for one's yard.  And of course, I recommend the Daylily as the perfect perennial.   Daylilies are pretty much drought tolerant, easy to grow, insect/pest resistant, low maintenance.  Great "bang for your buck" as someone said this week.

More daylilies that are blooming here at Oakville Farm ...

Cabbage Flower

Daylily Cabbage Flower is a pastel lemon yellow self with a green throat.  The bloom is a double, which reblooms and is over four and a half inches wide.  It stands about a foot and half tall.  The bloom rests on the upper edge of the foliage, giving a good contrast between the yellow bloom and green foliage.  It is also fragrant and is an extra early bloomer, being one of the first daylilies to bloom here.

Novelty Number
Daylily Novelty Number is a new daylily for us.  I really like this daylily, it draws my eyes in.  Novelty Number is a buff yellow with a red eyezone and green yellow throat.  It is a midseason bloomer.  Diameter of near five inches and standing over two feet tall.  The bloom is atop a thin scape and it rises well above the foliage.  A nice sturdy daylily. 
Daylily Sebastian is very showy daylily, presenting a vivid purple self with lime green throat.  It is a rebloomer.  Bloom size is over five inches and it stands almost two feet tall.  The large bloom lays slightly above the green foliage.  Foliage is wide, making the contrast nice between the foliage and bloom.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the great daylilies that are blooming here at Oakville Farm.  Please check out the Oakville Farm website to find the daylily just right for you.  

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom.  They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. 
~Jim Carrey

And daylilies love to bloom.  Once the "season" begins ... oh the beauty that shows. 

More beautiful bloomers ....

Todd Monroe
Daylily Todd Monroe is a nice small reblooming daylily.  It is a light buff with a fuchsia eyezone and green throat.   Blooms early mid season and foliage habitat is dormant.  

Royal Occasion

Daylily Royal Occasion presents  a black violet with dark eyezone and bright green throat.   Bloom size is about four inches and stands over two feet tall.  It is a rebloomer.  The petals are one of being "recurved", meaning, the petals bend back toward the base, thus giving a rounded ball-like appearance.  Color of this daylily would compliment yellow daylilies very well.

Check us out, Oakville Farm, for other beautiful "bloomers" that we have for sale.  Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.  ~Gerard de Nerval

Daylilies show beautiful flowers with their wide range of color, varied size and special features such as edging, ruffles, unusual form.  Daylilies make a gorgeous addition to any yard or garden.  

These daylilies for example ...

Barbara Mitchell

Daylily Barbara Mitchell is a pink self with a green throat.  It is a midseason rebloomer.  A large bloom of approximately six inches and height of about two feet high.   

Jeune Tom

Daylily Jeune Tom is a light red self with a green throat.  It is an early season rebloomer.  A small bloom, about 3.5" and height of 18" present a nice daylily good for the foreground in a flower bed.  With proper watering, this daylily will rebloom throughout the summer, up until frost.

Hope you will find a place in your yard for the great perennial called, Daylily.  Check out our website, Oakville Farm, the daylily suited just for your needs awaits you. Place an order today and begin your love affair with daylilies!

Hope you have a good day and until next time, Happy Gardening.