Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday ....

"Where flowers bloom so does hope."
- Lady Bird Johnson, Public Roads: Where Flowers Bloom

Did you know?

Hemerocallis (hem-er-o-kal-lis), the botanical name for daylily means in Greek ''beautiful for a day'. Each flower only opens for one day. After it is spent, the next day's blossoms "shine". Established clumps bloom for weeks and weeks. Daylilies are native to Asia and have been hybridized in the US and Europe since the 1930's. Daylilies were originally found in Manchuria, Mongolia, Northern India as well as throughout China, Japan and Korea. In their natural habitat daylilies are found in swamps, seashore meadows, forests edges and on mountains up to 10,000 feet. From approximately 20 species of daylilies to over 60,000 varieties of daylily hybrids have been developed. Colors of most species are orange, yellow, pink and shades of red, purple, near white are now found. No true blue nor brown daylily has been developed currently.

The ease for which they grow, disease/pest resistance, color, and low maintenance are several features that make daylilies a real joy to have in your yard or garden area. They are easily adaptable to most any soil type and growing conditions.

Daylilies which provide much color, both from lush foliage to vibrant blooms, are a welcome perennial to any garden/yard. Give them a try. You will be pleasantly surprised and warmly satisfied of their beauty. Please check out our website We offer a variety of daylilies for your enjoyment.

Have a great day and until next time, Happy Gardening.

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