Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daylilies ....

The garden is a metaphor for life, and gardening is a symbol of the spiritual path. ~Larry Dossey

Yes, you are visiting the Oakville Farm daylily blog, where we talk about daylilies and about happenings on our Farm. Have you ever lived on a farm? Visited a farm as a child? Ever worked on a arm? It is hard work and yet enjoyable, so much as is life.

Had another two tenths of an inch of rain last night. Have heard from several folks not far from Oakville Farm, who had lots of lightning/thunder and rain, all night. Ours was a quick burst. And everything looks so very very bright green today. Did wear my boots to walk the rows between the daylilies. :)

Want to showcase the daylily, Royal Occasion. Royal Occasion presents black violet with a darker eyezone and bright throat. Very striking daylily, the darker outer against the bright throat .... yes, very striking. It is a rebloomer. Royal Occasion grows about three and a half feet tall and is approximately 4 inches in diameter, again making this a nice specimen. We sell this daylily, Royal Occasion, for $7.00 per double fan. Why not order one today? Check us out at

Hope you have a good day. Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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