Saturday, July 23, 2011

HOT... Oh Wow is it HOT

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston Hughes

I just had to find a quote about rain. Hoping to cool us off.

We had a wonderful weather event last night ... As I was watching the news around 6 PM, I heard a noise coming from outside. I opened the blinds at the atrium door and it was raining. Oh my, it rained for almost an hour. An inch and a quarter's worth of rain before it ended. It was just grand! And today, temps reached over 100 degrees here at Oakville Farm. Our weather station, OFW (Oakville Farm Weather) web link will display stats. Phew!

Our Stella de Oro, reblooming daylily, has begun its new bloom cycle. The Stella's have had enough rain to set them. What rebloomers are out in your yard?

Picked blackberries this morning. The thornless type. When younger, my brother and I used to pick blackberries in Indiana. I remember getting scratches on arms and legs from the thorns. A part of the "blackberry picking process", ya know. Now, it is just so easy! The berries are rea
lly large. They must like this hot, hot weather. Thanks to Danny & Carolyn for the berries. Will share some warm freshly baked blackberry cobbler on a cold winter's day!

Here is a photo from yesterday's rain. Notice the water running from the gutter in the background. I can hear it hitting the ground.

Hope you have a good evening. Until next time, Happy Gardening.

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